犬山観光案内 Inuyama sightseeing guidance


Here are three popular sightseeing
spots in Inuyama.


犬山成田山 Inuyama Narita-san 犬山成田山


Founded in the mid-tenth century, Inuyama Narita-san is a temple of the Shingon sect of esoteric Buddhism. The principal image here, of Fudō Myō-ō, was enshrined by Kobo Daishi. Fudō Myō-ō can help to cancel negative forces, exorcise demons, and encourage business prosperity. After the war, Narita-san became most visited site for worship of Fudō Myō-ō in the Chubu region.


有楽苑 Urakuen Garden 有樂苑

有楽苑は、国宝茶室 「如庵」、重要文化財 「旧正伝院書院」、古図に基づいて復元された「元庵」、1986年建築の「弘庵」などで構成された庭園。中でも「如庵」は織田信長の実弟「織田有楽斎」が建てた茶室で、現存する国宝茶席三名席のひとつです。

Urakuen Garden comprises National Treasure tea house Joan, the Important Cultural Property Former Shodenin Study, the Genan facility reconstructed based on old drawings, and Koan, which was constructed in 1986. Among these, Joan is particularly notable as it was built by Oda Urakusai, the younger brother of Oda Nobunaga. It is one of the three existing tea houses designated as National Treasures.


鵜飼 Ukai Cormorant Fishing 鵜飼


Carried out here for 1,300 years, ukai is an ancient fishing method. From a sightseeing boat you can get close views of the ukai boats and fantastic torchlit sights of the active ushō cormorant fishing master and his two assistants, each dressed in traditional garb. An ushō may control up to a dozen birds.
